Stay Mutt Madness and Magic follow the rescue Mutts of Mozart Avenue as they try to find a home. Mozart’s Mutts are homeless dogs who live on Mozart Avenue across the street from the Symphony Concert Hall in OperaToon. They have to find food from the garbage cans and dumpsters on the street and the alley way. They are hungry and heartbroken, composing songs about their memories of better days. Sarasto, and Monastro, make musical instruments from wood and metal scraps in the garbage and teach the other mutts how to play them. Their band is called Strut Your Mutt.
The Puccini Dog Pound is closed now that the Puppies of Puccini are huge stars who tour the world performing their Opera. When Puccini’s Pound closed it left the remaining pups, who no family chose, homeless. The Opera House is thriving now since the Puppies of Puccini brought it back to life with all their sold out musical performances.
OperaToon is a community where “music brings people together”, and everyone helps each other, but the Mozart’s Mutts have been abandoned and forgotten. Their survival is getting more difficult as time goes on.
On The Symphony Gala opening night, an ethereal Magic Flute solo by Mozart sends the Spirit Elf, Tito Duende to lead the Mutts through the Prism of the 4 Elements of The Duende Spiral.
If the Mutts can successfully rise through the forces and save Princess Pamina, despite the opposition of The Queen of The Night they will survive in El Duende and arrive at the beautiful Wabi-Sabi Water Fall Enchanted ArtGarden, where imperfection creates even more beauty.
Forest Goblins are lurking everywhere and the Mutts need courage, faith and friendship to accomplish their quest. They must let the music they hear guide them safely on their magical journey to rescue Princess Pamina
and themselves.
Nancy Hahn CEO/Founder/Creator